Thursday, May 15, 2014

Seth MacFarlane Can Act? - A Million Ways to Die in the West Movie Review

How  many of you have seen Seth MacFarlane in a leading role?  In fact, how  many of you have seen him act on screen for more than just a few minutes at a time?  His presence in a couple of Gilmore Girls episodes has thus far more than sufficed for me.   I figured the reason he cast himself in the lead in this particular movie is because his love interests were Amanda Siefried and Charlize Theron, but it wasn't very long into the movie before it hit me - he can act.

Going into the movie, I already knew my general tolerance level for MacFarlane-written antics, my approximate 5 minute Family Guy limit but making it all the way through Ted...this movie was at once sweeter and raunchier than those.  It was kind of adorably cringe-worthy.  For myself, I've learned there's a line in a movie that once crossed, means I don't care to see the film again and can only recommend the entire film to a select few.  Yes, MacFarlane crossed that line again...and again in Million Ways.  However, I want to make it clear that it was funny and clever and I appreciate this homage to Blazing Saddles (there were some particularly good bits about farts, if you can believe it).

There are a few scenes that either went too far or too long for my taste, which I have grown to expect, so consider yourself forewarned.  However, it is also laugh out loud funny and enjoyable to watch the rest of the time.  I love the layering of modern day sensibilities over the absurdities of the past.  MacFarlane has written and directed a clever satirical screenplay that plays like a loving roast of the old western.  There are also so many small roles and cameos, that it is clear everyone in Hollywood wanted a piece of this movie.

Another caveat, however.  If you are familiar with his work, you know that he also blurs the lines of racism, sexism and any other -ism he can get his hands on.  You may fall on the opposite side of those lines several times during this movie, as did I, but it remains to be seen if any actual controversy will arise.  I'm confident the worst of it was left on the cutting room floor, however.

3 out of 5 stars

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